February 2023: Scrimba reaches one million users!
News from Dialpad, Joro, Ripio, Scrimba, Skillshare, and Topanga; our interview with economist Tim Jackson; new chapter summary for Ramanan's book
Portfolio News
Dialpad broadened its Open App Ecosystem with new integrations and partnerships.
Joro CEO Sanchali Pal was interviewed for a Wired article about flight emissions.
Ripio launched a credit card with Visa in Argentina.
Scrimba reached one million users.
Skillshare published its 2023 Trendshare Report.
Grubhub and Topanga.io announced a partnership to bring zero-waste takeout to college campuses.
Amasia News
We published the full audio version of our interview with economist Tim Jackson. The interview focuses on the battle between efficiency and scale, investing for prosperity, and the relationship between hope and action.
Ramanan released a summary of the chapter on Jevons Paradox from his book. There are really no silver bullets in fighting the climate crisis, and we all REALLY need to understand that.
What We're Reading
We liked this thoughtful explanation of how to produce sustainable change to value systems at scale from Behavioral Scientist.
Useful links:
The Amasia website for an overview of our firm, our team, and our portfolio.
The Amasia blog for essays on the VC business, our portfolio, and our impact.
The In Our Hands podcast with theorists and practitioners in climate science and behavior change (with full transcripts if you prefer text).
The Futureverse podcast with authors of climate-related fiction (with full transcripts if you prefer text).
Ramanan’s blog for personal essays.