November 2023: Xendit and Visa partner to launch Visa Token Service
Also: news from Commons, Clarity, Dialpad, Scrimba, and Skillshare, and two new blog posts!
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Portfolio News
Commons announced Project Drawdown as their non-profit partner for November.
Clarity released their latest updates that include a Black Carbon Module, pre-calibrated sensors, and more for affordable monitoring.
Nasdaq interviewed Dialpad’s Craig Walker at the annual Cloud 100 gala about shaping the future of cloud innovation.
Scrimba launched The AI Engineer Path, a learning path that will help kick-start a career as an AI Engineer with frontend development skills.
Skillshare brought back monthly memberships so users can enjoy creative classes for all levels without a long-term commitment.
Elon University launched its ReusePass reusables program with Topanga.
Xendit partnered with Visa to be the first to launch Visa Token Service in Indonesia.
What We’re Writing
Read the next in a blog series that details Amasia's different thesis categories which we call the “4 Rs of Behavior Change." In previous essays, we’ve covered Renew, Rethink, and Rebuild. Our latest post focuses on R1: Review. How do we help consumers, corporations, and governments make better data-driven decisions regarding climate and sustainability?
Check out our second blog post in our collaborative series on climate-related impact in the VC industry with Malk Partners on the highly topical issue of Impact versus (or including) ESG. Malk is the pre-eminent advisor on impact and ESG for private market investors. We dive into the overlaps and differences between Impact and ESG, and Amasia's approach to both. Malk draws on their extensive experience working with impact and ESG investors to add insights.
Useful links:
The Amasia website for an overview of our firm, our team, and our portfolio.
The Amasia blog for essays on the VC business, our portfolio, and our impact.
The In Our Hands podcast with theorists and practitioners in climate science and behavior change (with full transcripts if you prefer text).
The Futureverse podcast with authors of climate-related fiction (with full transcripts if you prefer text).
Ramanan’s blog for personal essays.