November 2024: Dialpad's CEO, Craig Walker, named UC Today's Innovator of the Year
Also: news from Commons, Pique Action, Skillshare, Topanga, Unravel Carbon and Xendit!
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Portfolio News
Dialpad’s CEO, Craig Walker, has been named UC Today’s Innovator of the Year.
Pique Action released Season 2 of Reinventing Tomorrow.
Skillshare was recognized by Newsweek as one of America's Top Online Learning Providers.
Unravel Carbon released an AI-assisted ISSB reporting solution.
Xendit and GCash partnered with Ezypay to enable automatic subscriptions.
Useful links:
The Amasia website for an overview of our firm, our team, and our portfolio.
The Amasia blog for essays on the VC business, our portfolio, and our impact.
The In Our Hands podcast with theorists and practitioners in climate science and behavior change (with full transcripts if you prefer text).
The Futureverse podcast with authors of climate-related fiction (with full transcripts if you prefer text).
Ramanan’s blog for personal essays.