October 2022: Joro announces $10M Series A
News from Clarity, Joro, Scrimba, Super, and Unravel Carbon; AxBC and our interview with Gernot Wagner
Portfolio News
Clarity was featured in Forbes.
Joro announced its $10M Series A, co-led by Amasia and Sequoia.
Scrimba reached 900,000 users.
Super's CEO Steven Wongsoredjo was selected by Tatler as one of Asia's most promising leaders.
Unravel Carbon announced its SME program, aimed at helping SMEs kickstart their journey towards net zero.
Amasia News
Amasia kicked off the second cohort of AxBC, our cohort-based course for climate founders.
Ramanan interviewed Dr. Gernot Wagner about geoengineering and climate optimism.
What We're Reading
Kim Stanley Robinson published an article in Bloomberg Green about the importance of behavior change and social norms in climate action strategies.
Useful links:
The Amasia website for an overview of our firm, our team, and our portfolio.
The Amasia blog for essays on the VC business, our portfolio, and our impact.
The In Our Hands podcast with theorists and practitioners in climate science and behavior change (with full transcripts if you prefer text).
The Futureverse podcast with authors of climate-related fiction (with full transcripts if you prefer text).
Ramanan’s blog for personal essays.